
Hello, Again.

Well, this is my first post in 2015.

First, Hello again to all my readers who i don't know who you are :p

Second, sorry for not posting anything in this blog for a couple months (actually i almost forget i have blog *peace*)

Third, Thank you if you're all still read my blog :)


Kita sudah masuk bulan ke-4 di 2015.

How's 2015 going on me? Well, just like another years i have passed.

Cuma ada beberapa hal yang berubah ofc. Gue sekarang kerja. Walau bukan diperusahaan besar setidaknya disini gue punya pengalaman. Tapi gue gak mau cerita soal pekerjaan gue. Because you will boring hear it. Yeah, work is boring. You'll know it or you have it :)

Pernah gak sih mikir kalau waktu semakin lama berjalan semakin cepat? Gue pernah baca disuatu artikel bawah bumi berputar or something lebih cepat makanya semakin lama waktu berjalan semakin cepat (sumber diragukan). And i know that's true.

But this is too fast. I barely enjoy my times.

Rasanya terlalu banyak yang sudah gue sia-siakan semasa bahagia gue (emang sekarang gak bahagia?). Masa-masa sekolah yang gak mungkin terulang lagi. Ah, thinking about that makes me sad. Di sekolah i feel like i'm being an idiot. Ketawa ngakak. Gila-gilaan. Gak jelas arah dan tujuan. But i like be that kind of idiot. But, life is changing, buddy. Sad but true.

Walau umur gue masih 18 tahun. But i'm not a kid anymore. Gue udah gak bisa main-main. Sekarang semuanya jadi serius. Gue gak nyangka sebegimini membosankannya kehidupan manusia dewasa. How can they live with it?

Seriously, i'm so jealous with kids. They're so happy. So free. Far far away from stress. Tapi jadi manusia dewasa is soooo sucks. Yeah i said it out loud. IT SUCKS.

Where's my happy time gone? Can i have them again even just for a minute?

Tapi, kayanya gak enak banget kalau gue harus memulai postingan pertama gue ditahun ini dengan keluhan.

But i'm grateful. I am. Gue tau hidup gue udah gak sama lagi. Sudah tidak terlalu semenyenangkan sebelumnya. Tapi gue bersyukur bahwa hingga detik ini, gue masih diberikan banyak kenikmatan.

Keluarga, kesehatan, tempat tinggal, sahabat dan semua hal yang ada dihidup gue. I'm so happy having them. They're not perfect neither me. But that's enough :)

Gue tau gue gak mungkin kecil terus. Gue gak mungkin seneng-seneng terus. Gue harus serius. Jadi yah gue harus berlajar bagaimana menikmatan fase baru dalam hidup gue ini.

God, i'm sorry for complaining too much than be grateful of what i have. But thank you for every second you have given to me. For every chances. For everything. I'm just a girl who trying to be better girl everyday of my life.

-See you next post-

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